1. Select Lists on the main menu
  2. Click on the name List you want or create a new List
  3. In the Subscriber’s fields section Add custom field
  4. Create a Custom field by specifying Data type with the date.

  5. Click on Save button
  6. Import your email list with a birthday column (YYYY-MM-DD). You can import it Manual or Sync Data
  7. Create Segment and Rule = contain today's date and month.


  8. Create Campaign selecting your List with Birthday Segment 

    Screen Shot 2017-04-17 at 14.02.10.png
  9. In the Sending options and event triggers set a Schedule mode to Repeatable > Repeatable on Everyday then set the time sending

  10. Click on Save as repeatable.
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Mook is a Senior Support Specialist in Taximail. She provides technical assistance, service, and training to Junior Support Specialist. Solving clients problems in a timely and efficient manner is her strongest suit. She is fashion enthusiast and a frequent traveler.

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