What makes your favorite brands, services, and products that you really like stand out?

What do you like about them? What is so special about them?

Don’t we all have those nitty-gritty things that we like about certain brands that we are loyal to?

Let’s talk about what are the ways that you can leverage Loyalty in your email marketing strategy. What are the marketing campaigns that drives loyalty, retain customers, and make them feel special, and can attract new customers to your pool of loyal customer list.

 According to Statista Top consumer loyalty drives worldwide 2023


Resource: (https://www.statista.com/statistics/1077882/why-consumers-are-loyal-to-brands-worldwide/)


  • Offers good products/services
  • Offers good customer service support
  • Offers low prices 
  • Easy-to-use website or mobile app
  • Does good to the society




How do we implement it your email marketing strategy?

This is the time to rethink to your marketing efforts to revamp your tactics and develop a more personal and contextually relevant messaging with people tor brand or company. Analyze those data statistic that you have, segregate customers list according to interactions with your brand/company. Customize the email campaigns that would resonate to your customers groups.

1. Establish Rapport

Emails are great way to establish and nurture relationship with your customers. When they subscribe to your email list that means they want to hear from you. This is your window of opportunity to craft meaningful, relevant email with valuable content for them. Keep them informed with your latest offerings, discounts, added value as a loyal customer. You will be able to build trust and credibility that will strengthen the brand awareness and engagement of your customers.

2. Create Personalization and Segmentation

Curate an email campaign based on personalize customer preferences, demographics, interest and more. Then, you can Segment the email list specific to the customer groups that you have created and target them with relevant emails that has value to your customers. When you send a personalize email it enhances the customer experience and in return can foster to loyalty and encourage repeat buyers.

3 Engage Your Customers

The email campaigns your send our gives an opportunity for your customers to actively engage and participate in your brand/company activities. This is by adding interactive initiatives such as surveys, feedbacks or CTA the leads them to interact with your support or sales team in the company. Involving your customers increase the value of your brand that cultivates inclusivity and don’t forget to reward them by participating. That’s a win-win.

4. Campaigns that are Retention-oriented

Using your customer loyalty program, you can offer exclusive promotions, discounts, and rewards to that customers who are part of this customer list. You can segment them according to the frequency of their purchase or if you have different tier level of programs that is even more conventional. This not only gives them incentives but also make them feel much more appreciated and valued. A good example is sending them as well birthday emails with the discount offer. You can read on how to implement this on Taximail.

5. Rewards and Offers

When you send out email campaigns to your loyal customers, you can offer them exclusive limited promotions, discounts and rewards as part of the loyalty program. Exclusivity brings benefits that are immediately recognized and predicated by customers.

This is a comprehensive approach that significantly enhances brand’s relationship with customers.




What are the types of Customer Retention Emails?

Welcome Emails

Welcome emails are introductory messages to your new subscribers. These emails aim to greet and thank recipients who provided essential information about the service and product and set the tone for future communications. It often includes a warm welcome, overview of features or benefits and call to action such us completing profile, exploring the website or making the first purchase.

Promotional emails

These are marketing messages send to inform the customers about special offers, discounts, or new products. They aim to driver sales and engagement by highlighting the benefits of the promotion, often includes compelling call to action, vivid visuals and limited-time offers to create sense of urgency.

Email Reminders

Email reminders are messages sent to prompts customers about the upcoming events, deadlines, or tasks to ensure important activities are not forgotten, providing key details and sometimes including CTA to complete the action like confirm attendance complete form, or take necessary steps.

Thank You Emails

Thank you emails are sent to express gratitude to customers for their actions such as making a purchase, attending an event, or subscribing to an email list. This is to acknowledge that you appreciate the customer’s engagement that would lead to brand loyalty.

Abandoned Cart Emails

These are shopping cart email that customers forget or got distracted before checking out or postpone their purchase and forgot. This email is a little bit of a nudge to the customer that they forgot something in their online shopping cart. You can customize the game of the customer and the product they abandoned and include a compelling call to action to encourage them to complete the transaction. Offer a free shipping or additional discount to sweeten the transaction and create sense of urgency.


 Resource: (https://queue-it.com/blog/loyalty-program-statistics/)




The Bottom Line

An email marketing strategy is pivotal in fostering customer loyalty and driving business growth. Email marketing retention is powerful tool for businesses by implementing marketing strategies and tips in this article that can leverage personalize emails that builds strong relationship with your current customer.

Consistent communication, segmented campaigns and right timing further enhance the effectiveness of email marketing ensuring that the customers feel valued and connected.

Implementing these strategies will not only increase customer retention but also boost long-term profitability and brand loyalty.

Ultimately, a strategic email marketing approach transforms one-time buyers into loyal advocated for the brand or company.

What are you waiting for? Should you up the ante?

You can start to utilize the Automation workflow on Taximail to implement your loyalty program. If you are using other tools, try connecting  with Zapier  to initiate the Automation Flow and can use Taximail as an Action to send email, SMS or manage tags. 

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Sales Director
P’Oa as fondly called by her team. She manages Taximail Sales team and her purpose is to be as effective as possible. She possesses well developed interpersonal skills and open communication between the team and the clients. Her long-term experience hones her ability to work in a high-level environment. She is a loving mother and a devoted wife.

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