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About emails dropped for a reason "TEMPORARILY SKIPPING FOR INACTIVE MAILBOX"When you download the delivered recipients report file and find that your subscriber's email has been dropped for "TEMPORARILY SKIPPING FOR INACTIVE MAILBOX", that means These emails are Taximail's AI (Artificial Intelligence), which is used to analyze the behavior of past email recipients, including opening, clicking to help filter the email sent from the system. There are many emails sent and do not behave, maybe a subscriber that is not interested in receiving news from you, dragging the email you send to the spam/spam folder or cancel the service but do not have an email account closed. Lastly, these emails are often converted to Trap email to trap those who often send spam. If you still have to send the campaign to the trap email list frequently, your account may be viewed as a spam sender, which will adversely affect your brand. And over time (Based on AI logic) the system will bring the list of emails that were dropped with the reason "TEMPORARILY SKIPPING FOR INACTIVE MAILBOX" back to you to try again. But if the email doesn't have any open behavior, click campaigns, the system will drop again and the next drop will take longer to stay until the system allows you to bring that email come back to send again. In conclusion, you should try to avoid sending campaigns to subscribers that do not interact with your brand. This will help you nurture your list as well as your branding position.