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Schedule the time to send your campaignWhy are date and time important for sending your campaign?The date and time of the campaign send is important. Just like the date and time your campaign will appear in the recipient's inbox. When you create a campaign using Taximail, you have the option of sending a campaign to the list to increase contact engagement. You must also know the good timing in sending your email campaigns. For example, sending a B2B email is Tuesday or Thursday, 7 am to 8 am, but for B2C emails, it is afternoon work days from 3 to 4 pm. In this article, you'll learn how to set the date and time, pause and other sending options available on Taximail.
Schedule the time to send from the campaign settingsTo schedule the time to send from the campaign settings, follow these steps:
When the setting is complete, your campaign will be moved to the Campaigns / Scheduled menu to wait for the campaign to be automatically sent. Schedule the time to send from the campaign detailsTo schedule the time to send from the campaign details, follow these steps:
When the setting is complete, your campaign will be moved to the Campaigns / Scheduled menu to wait for the campaign to be automatically sent. Edit schedule for sending campaignsTo edit schedule for sending campaigns, follow these steps: