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Create and Send to a SegmentLet's understand segmentation and how it can affect your email marketing strategy. Segmentation is the art of thinking in groups. You have to realize that your email list consists of different kind of people, with different behavior, profiles, and interests. You should use an email list filter that contains data within the same field to send interest-based campaigns, purchases, or other criteria. In this article, you will learn how to create single and multiple conditional groups and how to send campaigns to your qualified recipients.
Before you start
Create email recipients according to the given conditionsTo create a group of recipients of email in accordance with the terms given from your contact list, follow these steps:
Create single email recipientsIn this example, We will create a single set of email recipients based on the contact information for today's birthday.
Create multiple email recipientsIn this example We will create a multi-conditional contact group from the contact information of members who subscribe through the website before the date specified. Or contact members who subscribe via Facebook Lead after the specified date.
Send a campaign to the specified recipient groupWhen you are ready to send the campaign email to the segmentation you created. You can start by creating a new campaign or click the name of the campaign you want in the following steps.