SMS (Short Message Service) is one of the communication technologies that allows users to send short messages to another device. Found in mobile device, internet, and some telephone systems.
For sending SMS in English, can send no more than 160 characters/messages. And Thai language, able to send no more than 70 characters/messages. If you type Thai mixed with English, the system will use Thai language counting. If your SMS contains more characters than specified, it will be divided into several parts. Currently, most operators automatically combine these messages so that messages are sent respectively.
To create and send SMS campaigns, follow these steps:
- Select Campaigns on the main menu.
- Click the plus sign (+) at the bottom right corner.

- Select the SMS Campaign and click the Next button.

- Select a list you want to send the SMS campaign.

Note: If you select more than one list or segment, and on the lists, there are duplicate phone number, the system will only deliver one.
- Specify the name of the SMS sender, from 4 - 11 characters consisting of numbers 0-9 and the letters a-z, A-Z

Note: If you send SMS to an unsupported country, the sender's name will be replaced with the TXSMS name (for Thailand) and NXSMS name (for other countries). You can register to use a custom SMS sender Learn more.
- Specify your SMS message. For English, can send no more than 160 characters/messages. And Thai language, able to send no more than 70 characters/messages. If you type Thai mixed with English, the system will use Thai language counting.

Note: If you select Auto generate short link when a contact clicks on a link in your campaign, the system will redirect to the domain of Taximail to record a statistical click on the link within your campaign. And after that they will be taken to the desired destination URL. But if you select Short link use my own URL the contact will be taken to the destination URL immediately and the system will not record the click link statistics report within the campaign for you.
- After the design is finished, click the Create campaign button at the top right corner.
- When you are ready to send, click the Send now button to send the SMS campaign immediately.

- You will see a confirmation message to send the SMS campaign. Click the Confirm button.

Keep in mind that your SMS campaign cannot be edited once it has been sent out.