Create lists and import phone number to a list

In this article, you will learn how to import phone number of contacts that you want to send SMS messages with Spreadsheet or CSV files, copy and paste, connect to Facebook Lead Ads, Salesforce Contacts, Google Contacts and syncing with external databases.

Before you start

  • The format of Phone no. must start with country calling codes, e.g., +66858763313 or 66858763313 and can have a maximum of 15 digits.
  • If you import phone number with a plus sign (+) or a dash (-), the system will automatically remove the sign.

To create a list and import phone number for sending campaigns, follow these steps:

  1. Select Lists on the main menu.
  2. Click the plus sign (+) at the bottom right corner.

Create new list

  1. Select how to import phone number of contacts.

The following describes how to import phone numbers of contacts for each method:

Spreadsheet or CSV files

To import phone numbers by Spreadsheet or CSV files, follow these steps:

  1. Select Spreadsheet or CSV files and click the Next button.

Spreadsheet or CSV files

  1. Select the file from your computer and click the Next button.

Upload file

Note: Only supports Spreadsheet and CSV file formats that use a comma ( , ) semicolon ( ; ) or tab ( \t ) and the maximum file size is 50MB. If your file is above 50 MB, compress it to a ZIP file before uploading.

  1. Match the phone number that you want to import with the system field Phone no. named. Click the checkbox ✓ All imported contacts gave me permission to be added to my list to confirm that you have received permission from the contact to add information to the list and click the Next button.

Mapping field

Note: Click the checkbox ✓ Allow duplicated email address to import into this list, it means that you allow the system to import duplicate email addresses to this list.

  1. When the import status is 100% complete. The system will report the results to you immediately. Click the Finish button.


Copy and paste

To import phone numbers by copying data from a Spreadsheet file or CSV file and pasting it in the input form, follow these steps:

  1. Select Copy and paste and click the Next button.

Copy and paste

  1. Copy the phone numbers and paste it in the input form. Then click the Next button.

Paste text

  1. Match the phone number that you want to import with the system field Phone no. named. Click the checkbox ✓ All imported contacts gave me permission to be added to my list to confirm that you have received permission from the contact to add information to the list and click the Next button.

Mapping field

Note: Click the checkbox ✓ Allow duplicated email address to import into this list, it means that you allow the system to import duplicate email addresses to this list.

  1. Click the Finish button.4. When the import status is 100% complete. The system will report you immediately. Click the Finish button.


Facebook Lead Ads

To import phone numbers by integrate with Facebook Lead Ads, follow these steps:

  1. Select Facebook Lead Ads and click the Next button.

Facebook Lead Ads

  1. Select sync interval and log in to your Facebook page administrator account to select the data source that you want to import. Then click the Next button.


  1. Match the phone number that you want to import with the system field Phone no. named. Then click the Activate button to start connecting with Facebook Lead Ads.

Mapping field

Note: Click the checkbox ✓ Allow duplicated email address to import into this list, it means that you allow the system to import duplicate email addresses to this list.

Salesforce Contacts

To import phone numbers by integrate with Salesforce Contacts, follow these steps:

  1. Select Salesforce Contacts and click the Next button.

Salesforce Contacts

  1. Select sync interval and log in to your Salesforce account to select the data source that you want to import. Then click the Next button.


  1. Match the phone number that you want to import with the system field Phone no. named. Then click the Active button to start connecting with Salesforce Contacts.

Mapping field

Note: Click the checkbox ✓ Allow duplicated email address to import into this list, it means that you allow the system to import duplicate email addresses to this list.

Google Contacts

To import phone numbers by integrate with Google Contacts, follow these steps:

  1. Select Google Contacts and click the Next button.

Google Contacts

  1. Select sync interval and log in to your Google account to select the data source that you want to import. Then click the Next button.


  1. Match the phone number that you want to import with the system field Phone no. named. Then click the Activate button to start connecting with Google Contacts.

Mapping field

Note: Click the checkbox ✓ Allow duplicated email address to import into this list, it means that you allow the system to import duplicate email addresses to this list.

Learn how to import contact phone numbers by syncing with external databases via MySQL, MariaDB, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL and Oracle

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