Information for using Taximail as a Trigger and Action in Zapier

When you use Zapier to connect Taximail with other applications, in the process of setting up triggers and actions. You must select or fill in the required information. The information required for each Trigger and Actions are as follows.

Information for setting up Taximail as Trigger

Event : Email Opened

Campaign Type is the type of email sent from the Taximail system with the following options:

  • All Types is to open every type of email as a Trigger.
  • Campaign is used to open an email sent in the form of a campaign as a Trigger.
  • Automation is to open an email sent by automated system as a Trigger.
  • Transactional is use an open sent in the form of transactional email as Trigger.

Campaign is a campaign option. You want to use the email opening as a Trigger by selecting an option:

  • Campaign Select the desired campaign or Transactional Group.
  • Custom Specify the desired campaign name or Transactional Group.

Only First Opened Select whether you want to use only first open as a trigger. Here are the options:

  • True is to use the first opening as a Trigger
  • False is to use every opening as a Trigger
  • Custom Specify the desired Value


Campaign Type is the type of email sent from the Taximail system with the following options:

  • All Types use link clicks from all types of email sent as a Trigger.
  • Campaign uses a click on a link from an email sent as campaign as a Trigger.
  • Automation use link clicks from automated email as a Trigger
  • Transactional use a click on the link from an email sent as transactional email as Trigger.

Campaign is a campaign option. You’d like to use link clicks in email as a Trigger with the following options:

  • Campaign select the desired campaign or Transaction Group.
  • Custom specify the desired Value.

Only First Clicked is a choice whether you want to use only the first click or use every click as a trigger. Here are the options:

  • True is to use the first click as a Trigger.
  • False is to use every click as a Trigger.
  • Custom specify the desired Value.

URL is the link you want to Trigger when the destination is clicked.

  • Specify the URL that you want to use as a Trigger. or* to use Wildcard links.


Event : Resubscribe

Campaign Type is the type of email sent from the Taximail system with the following options:

  • All Types use Resubscribe from all types of email as a Trigger.
  • Campaign uses Resubscribe from email sent as a campaign as a Trigger.
  • Automation uses Resubscribe from automated emails as a Trigger.
  • Transactional uses Resubscribe from email sent as a transactional email as a Trigger.

Campaign is a campaign option. You want to use Resubscribe as a Trigger with the following options:

  • Campaign select the desired campaign or Transaction Group.
  • Custom specify the desired Value.


Event : Unsubscribe

Campaign Type is the type of email sent from the Taximail system with the following options:

  • All Types uses Unsubscribe from all email type as a Trigger.
  • Campaign uses Unsubscribe from emails sent as a campaign as a Trigger.
  • Automation uses Unsubscribe from automated email sent as a Trigger.
  • Transactional uses Unsubscribe from email sent in the form of transactional email as a Trigger.

Campaign is a campaign option where you can Unsubscribe as a Trigger.

  • Campaign specify the desired campaign name or Transaction Group.
  • Custom specify the desired Value.


Information for setting up Taximail as Action

Event : Add Subscriber Tags

Email address is an email option. This option will be generated as a Trigger.

  • Select the email you want to Tag, e.g. select the email from the Application you are using as a Trigger or select from the Email field.

Tag name is the name of the Tag you want to add to your email address. You can use such Tags to create Segments Listed in the Taximail system to segment your email recipients.

  • Specify the Tag name you want to attach ( Tag name should contain only letters, numbers, and underscores. Spaces and special characters are not allowed)


Event : Remove Subscriber Tags

Email address is an email option. This option will be generated from your Trigger.

  • Select the email from which you want to remove the Tag e.g, select the email from the Application you are using as a Trigger or select from the Email field.

Tag name is the name of the Tag you want to remove the attached Tag from.

  • Specify the Tag you want to attache (the Tag name should contain only letters, numbers and underscores. Spaces and special characters are not allowed.)


Event : Send Email

When you want to use Send Email as Action to send email automatically. You need to provide the information for sending emails as detailed below:

Subject is the subject of the email you want to send the destination recipient.

  • Specify the email subject you want or choose the email subject from your Trigger data.

From Name is the name of the sender. You can specify the name of the sender you want such as brand name, product name, event name or the name you want to use to communicate with customers.

  • Specify the sender’s email address you want to use or select email from your Trigger data.

From Email is the name of the recipient of the email. You can specify the sender’s email address ( Domain of the sender’s email must be Verified Domain at the Taximail system).

  • Specify the sender’s email address you want to or select the sender email from your Trigger data.

To Name is the name of recipient of the email. You can specify the name of the recipient of the email. You can optionally use the individual recipient names if data from your Trigger includes a recipient field.

  • Enter the name of the recipient of the e-mail you wan to use or select the email recipient’s name as a Trigger data,

To Email is the recipients email address. You can specify the recipient’s email address. Alternatively, you can select the individual recipient email address if the data from your Trigger includes the recipient email field.

  • Specify the email recipient you want or select the recipient email address from your Trigger data.

Body Type is the content selection you want to work with the following options:

  • Template Key Use the Template Key selection as the content of the email.
  • Template Name Select the Template Name as the email content content.
  • HTML Use the HTML selection as the content to send emails.

Template Key / Template Name / HTML This filed depends on the Body Type you select. For example, if you select Body Type as the Template Key for this field will be named Template Key. Enter the Template Key you want to use.

  • Template Key Specify the Template Key you want to use as content or select a Template Key from your Trigger data.
  • Template Name Specify the Template Name you want to use for content or select a Template Name from your Trigger data.
  • HTML Specify the HTML code you want to use as content or select the HTML from your Trigger data.

Cc is sending an email with a CC type. You can specify more than 1 email to be sent (if you don’t want to send email you can leave the CC blank)

  • Specify the email address that you want to send as CC. If you want to send a multiple emails separated by commas for example;,, Or select the emails you want to CC from your Trigger data.

Bcc is BCC email sending , you can specify more than one email address to be sent (if you don’t want to send BCC email you can leave it blank)

  • Specify the email address to be sent BCC if toys are sending multiple emails separated by commas for example;,, Or select the emails you want to send as BCC from your Trigger data.

Reply Name is the name to receive the emails when the customer Reply back.

  • Specify the Reply Name you want to use or select Reply Name from your Trigger data.

Reply Email is an email used to receive emails when the customer Reply back.

  • Specify the Reply Email you want or select the Reply Email from your Trigger data (only one email can be specified)

Transactional Group Name is the name of the group of emails sent as Transactional. This is used to separate the statistics into Groups that you specified.

  • Specify the Transactional Group Name you want to use. If you don’t specify the Transactional Group Email sent will be in the Group named as Default.

Priority is the priority email in sending emails with the follow options:

  • High is a high priority emails are send first.
  • Normal is a general priority emails will be sent later.
  • Custom choose from your Trigger data.

Report Type is the format of the report you want to receive from Webhook with the following options:

  • False Webhook information is not received.
  • Unique Get information from a Webhook as Unique.
  • Full Get information from the Webhook Full.

Message ID Mode is a method for assigning a Message ID with the following options:

  • Auto the system will automatically generate a Message ID for you. Custom specify a Message ID by selecting from your Trigger data.


Event : Send SMS

When you wan to send an Send SMS as Actionto have SMS sent automatically, you need to specify information for sending SMS as detailed below:

From is the name of the SMS sender. Currently, you can specify the name of the SMS sender in 122 countries in case sending to unsupported countries or sending withour Verify SMS Sender the sender name will be replaced as TXSMS (for Thailand) and NXSMS (for other countries or it will be localized ) to ensure that SMS can be sent. You can register your own SMS sender ID to use.

  • Specify the name of SMS sender you want or select Reply Email from your Trigger data (it is recommended to use the name of the sender who has Verified SMS Sender in the Taximail system).

To Number is the phone number the SMS recipient. Since the system supports international SMS sending, the format of the phone number must start with the country code for example 66175551212 (66 is the country code of Thailand)

  • Enter the phone number of the recipient of the SMS you want Or select the phone number from your Trigger data.

Message is the SMS message you want to send. This can be both text and URL in the message.

  • Specify the SMS message you want to send Or select the SMS message from your Trigger data.

Report Webhook is an opt-in to receive reports sent via Webhook if desired you can specify the Webhook setting for this API with the following options:

  • True get reports from Webhook.
  • False do not accept Webhook reports. Custom choose from your trigger data.

Transactional Group Name is the name of the group of the SMS sent as Transactional. This is used to separate statistics into Groups that you specified.

  • Specify the Transactional Group Name you want. If you don’t specify Transactional Group Statistics of SMS sent will be in Group called Default.

Generate Link is a form of URL in the text. You can use your own URL or have a system to generate Short Link for the URL to collect click statistics with the following options:

  • True the Taximail system will generate a Short Link for every URL in your message.
  • False use the URL you entered in the SMS message. Custom choose from your Trigger data.

Message ID Mode is a method for assigning Message ID with the following options. Auto the system will automatically generate Message ID for you. Custom specify the Message ID by selecting the Trigger data.


Event : API Request (Beta)

When you want to use API Request as Action, you can use Taximail through an API connection.

You can find out how to use the API in the API User Guide


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