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Learn about Campaign statistics reportsUpdated on May 18, 2020 When you are marketing through email. Statistical reports are important to help you understand the behavior of recipients or members' participation. And collecting this information to improve your future campaigns. After you deliver your campaign, Taximail will report detailed statistics in various aspects for you to instantly know when your contacts have opened, clicked on links, unsubscribed, etc. You can view reports on desktop, tablet or smartphone.
Open RateStatistical reports related to the campaign opening of the recipients in graph and numbers format. Which has the following details:
Clicks RateStatistics report related to clicks on links in campaigns in graph and numbers format. Which has the following details:
DeliveredStatistics report related to campaign delivery. Which has the following details:
Top recipientsClick the following options to view statistical reports that the system ranks.
DomainsThe domain name of the destination recipients for which the campaign sent the highest number of campaigns out of the top 5. DevicesThe devices that the recipients use to open the campaign are desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Bounce reasonsThe reason the recipient's email was bouncing. LocationsThe country of the recipients of the highest 5 campaign recipients.