Tagging can classify customers for you, such as separate interest levels, preferred product types, separate previous buyers, and separate quantities of previous customers. Make you immediately know which group your contacts are in. You can also search for groups of cusstomer by search tags.
You can add the tag by follow these steps.
- Open the chat window that you want to add tag, then click Label in the right top corner

- Choose color for separate kind of your tag.

- Fill in the text boxes to use as the tag name and click ** Add Lable ** button.

Note: You can use Thai, English, and special characters for tag titles. Without limitation on the number of characters
- Open the chat window that you want to add tag, then click Add button in label section.

- Choose color for separate kind of your tag.

- Fill in the text boxes to use as the tag name and click ** Add Lable ** button.