Terms of use


Section 1: Who we are

Taximail is a registered service mark of Orisma Technology Co., Ltd. that owns and operates the website with the URL https://www.taximail.com (the "Website"), https://api.taximail.com (the "API") and https://app.taximail.com (the "Application").

Section 2: Purpose

The purpose of these Terms of Use (this "Agreement") is to set forth the terms and conditions under which you are permitted to use our email/electronic newsletter creation, distribution, and management system (the "Services").

Section 3: Changes

We reserve the right to change any of the terms of this Terms of Use by posting the revised Terms of Use on our Website and/or by sending an update to your email address. Unless the Term is terminated within thirty (30) days, the new Agreement will be effective immediately with respect to any continued or new use of the Services. We strongly encourage you to review this Terms of use often to stay informed of the changes that may affect you, as your continued use of the Website signifies your continuing consent to be bound by this Terms of use.

Section 4: Eligibility

We require that any user is at least eighteen (18) years of age. By using the Services, you represent and warrant that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age and that your use of the Services does not violate any applicable law or regulation. If you do not qualify, you are not permitted to use the Site. Any uploads may be deleted and your subscription may be terminated without prior notice from Taximail.

Section 5: Charges and Payments

Taximail offers various options to our customers, including monthly subscriptions and Pay-as-You-Go plan.

Monthly plan

  • Our charges for monthly plans are posted on our Website and may be changed from time-to-time. Payments are due for the full month for which any part of the month is included in the "Term". Payments are due for any month on the same date, or the closest date in that month, to the date of the month you signed up with us and made your first monthly payment (the "Pay Date"). The monthly plan can be billed monthly or annually at your convenience.
  • Yes, free plan is forever taking advantage of Taximail with no credit card required to open an account. You are entitled to 2,000 subscribers with 5,000 email credits every month. Free plan restriction is you cannot remove the "Powered by Taximail" logo in your email footer and you are entitled to email support only.
  • For any monthly subscription you have already paid, you can increase or decrease either your "number of subscribers you send out to an amount that causes you to go to another pricing level, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, you will be required to pay at the higher or lower level on or before the Pay Date for the following month.
  • Once you upgrade or downgrade your account by default your subscription will be your recurring bill for the next month and you can change to another plan on the "Change Plan" button. If you want to downgrade your account the difference will not be prorated.
  • For paid monthly subscriptions, the users are required to have a PayPal account. For annual subscription with discount, the user must contact the sales team for final quotation and invoice. If you don't have a PayPal account you can contact the sales team for other payment methods.
  • You also are allowed to switch from monthly subscription plan to Pay-as-You-Go plan. But you will lose your remaining days, email credits and payment history from monthly subscription plan. On the other hand, we recommend you to create another account for your new Pay-as-You-Go plan.
  • Taximail has no refund policy once you paid for your subscription plan.

Pay-as-You-Go plan

  • You may select to buy "email credits" to use our Services, as explained on the pricing page of our Website, rather than sign up for a monthly plan. If you select a Pay-as-You-Go plan, you will still be considered as "User" and all the terms of this Agreement will still apply to you. Pay-as-You-Go email credits are valid for 365 days upon successful credit payment.
  • You also are allowed to switch from Pay-as-You-Go plan to any monthly subscription plan. But you will lose your remaining credits and payment history from Pay-as-You-Go plan. On the other hand, we recommend you to create another account for your new subscription.
  • Taximail has no refund policy once you paid you for your credits.

SMS Funds

  • This is your fund for SMS campaigns and transactional sms. It has no expiration as long as your account is active.
  • The database of customers (phone numbers) are collected by you, or your customers, it means they opt-in to receive the SMS from you, or your customers
  • Content should be specific or related to the service or product that you are sending to the recipients
  • If too many people complains in your SMS blast, Taximail has the right to terminate your account regardless you have sms funds left in your account
  • Sending fraudulent illegal links or not following the prohibited contents. The system detects it and will result to account termination
  • No refund once you purchase or add SMS funds

Online Payments

Our goal is to protect both you and us by setting a clear expectations regarding online payment responsibilities.

Unusual Activity: In the event of unusually high number of failed credit card transactions, or suspect any fraudulent activity in obtaining credit card details, we reserve the right to suspend your account without prior notice.

Section 6: Term, Termination, and Removal

Either party may terminate the Term of this Agreement at any time for any reason by providing notice to the other party. We may suspend our Services to you at any time with or without cause. We will refund a prorated portion of your monthly pre-payment or refund you for unused email credits if we terminate you without cause. If you do not meet the requirements of Anti-SPAM and Abuse related rules using our system by sending out bulk email, you will not get any refund.

Once terminated, we may remove any of your electronic newsletters or other emails and related data and files from our Application and any other backup storage within 24 hours. In addition, if you do not log in to your account for 12 months, your account will be deemed to be "inactive". We will permanently delete your account and all data associated with it in 7 days later.

Section 7: Account and Password

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any account name and password provided to you. You agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorized use for any of your account. Taximail will not be responsible for any losses due to stolen or hacked passwords.

Section 8: Proprietary rights owned by us

You acknowledge that we, or our suppliers, own all proprietary rights in the Website, the API, and the Application used to provide the Services, including, but not limited to, any patents, trademarks, service marks, and copyrights.

Section 9: Proprietary rights owned by you

You represent and warrant to us that you will not add or upload any content to the Application and the API to create an email, electronic newsletter, or for any other purpose unless you are the owner of all proprietary rights in that content (or have been given a valid license from the owner of the proprietary rights in such content) and have obtained releases for all related privacy and publicity rights.

Section 10: General rules

You agree to the following:

  1. You will not incorporate into your email any text, photos, graphics or other content that is not created by you, not provided by us for you to incorporate into your email or you are not otherwise permitted to use.
  2. You will not post on the Website, API and Application, including in any emails created or sent using our Services, any misleading or incorrect name, address, email address, subject line or any other misleading or incorrect information.
  3. You will not publish any material that contains sexually related text, photographs or other content, or content that is defamatory, obscene, indecent, threatening, abusive or hateful.
  4. You will not publish any material that will be used for gambling, illegal activities, and online trafficking.
  5. You will not share your password.
  6. You will not attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble or reverse-engineer any of the software comprising or in any way used or downloaded from the Website, API and Application.
  7. You will not include in any emails any material, including, but not limited to, text and graphics, the inclusion of which is in violation of any other party's rights, including, but not limited to, copyrights and privacy and publicity rights.
  8. You will not set up multiple accounts for any individual, organization or entity or in order to send substantially similar content unless you are part of a franchise.
  9. You will not import or incorporate into any lists, emails or uploads to our servers any of the following information: credit card number, passwords, security credentials, or sensitive personal information of any kind.
  10. You will not send out an email containing lottery or any raffle prizes that are deemed illegal and misleading.
  11. Purchased email ist falls under the strict regulations of the CAN-SPAM. You should obtain the emails with the consent before sending commercial emails to the customers.
  12. Sending emails containing content or links about a Fake shop is strictly prohibited. If we determine that an email includes content or links that pose a risk of being associated with a Fake shop, we will suspend its delivery immediately without prior notice and request an authorized dealer documentation or certificate to verify that you are the legitimate seller of the item. If the requested documents are not provided within 72 hours, the account status will be changed to Blacklist resulting in the loss of system access. Additionally, no refunds will be issued under any circumstances.

Section 11: Anti-SPAM and Abuse related rules

Our view on SPAM (Unsolicited Email)

In 2003, the CAN-SPAM (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing) Act established requirements for those who send commercial email, spelled out penalties for spammers and companies whose products are advertised in SPAM if they violate the law, and gave consumers the right to ask emailers to stop spamming them. 

Legislation alone, however, will not solve the SPAM problem. The continued development and deployment of anti-spam software and filtering techniques, the potential development of a new email delivery protocol, and strong enforcement of newly enacted/proposed legislation are also critical to curbing SPAM. Ultimately, however, the key to dramatically reducing SPAM will be to put the estimated few hundred known spammers out of business - by enforcing legislation and making spamless attractive financially.

Definition of SPAM

"SPAM" is the term used to describe unsolicited or unauthorized commercial email messages. These messages are also commonly referred to as junk, bulk or unsolicited commercial email ("UCE"). Under the United State's federal law, SPAM means "any electronic mail message the primary purpose of which is the commercial advertisement or promotion of a commercial product or service." SPAM is regulated by federal and state laws in the United States and may also be regulated in foreign jurisdictions. Users of our services must comply with this Terms of use.

Our policy toward SPAM

We prohibit the use of our systems and Services for spamming that violates applicable laws, regulations, or this policy. Although we do not generally monitor our customers' transmissions, we may, at our discretion, refuse to process any request which comes to our attention and meets commonly accepted definitions of unlawful SPAM, that interferes with the normal operations of our Services, that contravenes this policy, or pursuant to the request of a judicial, administrative or law enforcement agency. When some recipients unsubscribed or made the SPAM report, Taximail will put them on your global suppression list. We prevent any further emails being sent to them. This will ensure email deliverability and sender reputation.

We also reserve the right to terminate delivery of email communications or take other appropriate actions against users who violate our policies

All email originating from the Company's system either is clearly identified as being transmitted from our domain, or identifies the underlying sender of the message, and no attempt is made by us, nor should be made by any customer, to obscure or disguise header information. We do not allow outside hosts to relay mail. In addition, customers sending commercial email via our Services must input their name and contact information.

When you would like to send the important email, such as "forgot password" email, you have to create that email in template with an important flag first. And submit the template for approval. After you got approved, this email template will be bypassing from the global suppression algorithm.

You agree to the following and must

  • include accurate header information.
  • not use deceptive subject lines or headers.
  • give email recipients an opt-out method to unsubscribe: this includes a return email address that allows a recipient to request that no further email messages be sent from the sender. These opt-out requests must be honored within 10 business days. The opt-out mechanism must process opt-out requests for at least 30 days after the commercial email is sent.
  • identify commercial email as an advertisement.
  • include a valid physical postal address.
  • not "harvest" email addresses from any websites or internet that have published a notice prohibiting the transfer of email addresses for the purpose of sending email.
  • not generate email addresses using a "dictionary attack" - combining names, letters or numbers into multiple permutations.
  • not use scripts or other automated ways to register for multiple email or user accounts to send commercial email, and
  • not relay emails through a computer or network without permission.

This Terms also requires that commercial email not to be sent to an individual's email address unless:

  • there is an existing business relationship, or
  • prior informed consent of the individual has been obtained (via an "opt-in" "confirmed opt-in," or "double opt-in").

We will enforce this Terms, including through termination of a customer's services, with or without advance notice, and may take such other actions as we deem necessary in our discretion. Our policy requires that our customers must have an active opt-out option, and must respect opt-out requests in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and this policy. We do not permit or authorize any attempt to use our Services in a manner that could damage, disable, overburden or impair any aspect of any of our Services, or that could interfere with any other party's use and enjoyment of our Services.

Section 12: Privacy Policy

We may use and disclose your information according to our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy will be treated as part of these Terms.

Section 13: Right to Review Email Campaigns

We may review the content of your Email campaign from your account as per request to our support team for assistance. This will serve in checking and sending email campaign preview of your email campaign. The test email will be sent to the email you specified. We do not access or review accounts without request or permission from the subscribers.

Section 14: Notices

Any notices to you will be effective when we sent it to the email that you have indicated on our Website. Any notice to us will be effective when you deliver us a legal copy to our office, Orisma Technology Co., Ltd. 1050 Pattanakarn Road, Suanluang, Suanluang, Bangkok 10250 Thailand and email to contact@orisma.com for acknowledgement.

Section 15: Compliance with Laws

  • You represent and warrant that your use of Taximail will comply with all applicable laws and regulations. You're responsible for determining whether our Services are suitable for you to use in light of any regulations like General Data Protection Regulation also known as GDPR Privacy Laws, or other laws.
  • If you may not use our Service for any unlawful or discriminatory activities or other laws that apply to commerce.
  • If you're located in the European Economic Area (EEA) or send to anyone in the EEA, you represent and warrant that in creating your Email list, sending Emails via Taximail, and collecting information as a result of sending Emails, you:

  • Will clearly describe in writing how you plan to use any data collected, including for your use of Taximail. You'll get express consent to transfer data to Taximail and be processed that complies to the Terms of Use and Privacy of the Website. 
Have complied, and will comply, with all regulations, as well as data protection, electronic communication, and privacy laws that apply to the countries where you're sending any form of email through Taximail.
  • You have collected, stored, used, and transferred all data relating to any individual in compliance with all data protection laws and regulations. You have the necessary permission to allow Taximail to receive and process data and send communications to that individual on your behalf using our email marketing platform. 
Agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any losses, including attorney fees, that result from your breach of any part of these warranties.

Section 16: Limitation of Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by law, you assume full responsibility and risk of loss resulting from your use of the Website, the API, the Application and the Services including any downloads from the website. Under no circumstances shall we or any of our employees or representatives be liable for any indirect, punitive, special or consequential damages even if we or any of our employees or representatives have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Our total liability in any event is limited to the amount, if any, actually paid by you for use of the Website, the API, the Application and the Services for the one month period ending on the date a claim is made and you hereby release us and our employees and representatives from any and all obligations, liabilities, and claims in excess of this limitation.

Section 17: Entire Agreement

The Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and any additional terms you've agreed to by turning on specific features make up the entire agreement and supersede all prior agreements, representations and understanding when you created your account on Taximail.

Thank you for learning more of the policies of the Website.

Updated on March 3, 2025

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